Representation of artificial ingelligence like a brain

ChatGPT. How to use it and what can you do with it

You have no doubt been hearing for some time about ChatGPT and its promise to become the most powerful accessible Artificial Intelligence system available today. This article explains what ChatGPT is, how it is used and everything you can do with it. We shall also be putting it to the test with a series of questions. You won't want to miss it so read on.

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence model developed by the company OpenAI. It is designed as an interactive conversational model, which means that it will answer any questions you ask accurately and in detail. 

Is ChatGPT really that revolutionary? It isn’t the first conversational artificial intelligence system in history. We already have Siri, Alexa and the many chatbots you’ll find on social media platforms, websites, and apps. However, ChatGPT is definitely the most sophisticated publicly accessible AI chat to date.

While it still has its limitations, its creators maintain that this is only the beginning. They are planning regular updates, and it will be the users themselves, through collaborative learning, who will help improve the interface with their scores and comments.

Already it can reject questions that are misleading or have a sexist or racist bias. An example of this feature is given on the platform itself by asking the AI to respond to something manifestly false: “Tell me what happened when Christopher Columbus landed in the US in 2015?”. ChatGPT’s answer was the following:

Ejemplo de respuesta de ChatGPT en OpenAI
Source: OpenAI chat.

ChatGPT is trained to understand what you ask in detail, including all the variations and adjectives you use, with a very natural language. And as it learns from you, it can remember what you have talked about, relate conversations, or try to guess what you are referring to.

How do you use ChatGPT? Let’s test it

To use ChatGPT, you first need to log in to the OpenAI Chat

You need to create an account and verify it by email or text message. To begin with, it will offer you a series of examples, as well as a review of its capabilities and limitations.

Ejemplos de tipos de uso y limitaciones de ChatGPT en OpenAI.
Source: OpenAI chat

As we advance, we are going to put it to the test. First of all, we will check its knowledge of History. The question is seemingly easy, but somewhat controversial: “Who invented the telephone?”. 

We know that the inventor of the first prototype was Italian Antonio Meucci in 1854, but that he was unable to patent it due to financial problems. Years later, Alexander Graham Bell patented a similar device and took the credit for an invention that was vital for the history of communication.

Not until 2002 was a resolution approved in the United States Congress which recognised the Italian as the true inventor of the telephone.

Let’s see how ChatGPT responds:

Question: Who invented the telephone?

ChatGPT: The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Bell was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist, and professor who moved to the United States. Together with his assistant, Thomas Watson, he developed and patented the telephone, which revolutionised the way people communicated with each other over long distances. The first message transmitted by telephone by Bell was: "Mr Watson, come here, I need you".

It seems that ChatGPT has given the wrong answer here. It lacks historical information. What can we do? Help it by saying that the answer is not satisfactory or by trying to “regenerate answer”. Let’s do both. Let’s try generating a new answer. 

In the new answer, it does state that there is "some controversy as to whether Graham Bell was the sole inventor of the telephone," but it still fails to mention Meucci. In this case, it gives us the option to assess whether the answer is better, worse or the same as the previous one. Again, we are training the intelligence on its response. We can also include additional information:

Cuadro de diálogo de OpenAI
Source: OpenAI chat.


The first experience was not entirely satisfactory. We can’t give it a pass in History. Let’s see what else it can do for us.

What can you do with ChatGPT?

The most obvious is to ask the AI to explain an event or concept to you. But it can do a lot more. While it may still be too early to determine its full potential, these are some of the things you can ask it to do:

1. Writing articles with ChatGPT

We can ask ChatGPT to write an article on any subject. It will create a completely new text based on the millions of data and sources at its disposal, and it will complete the task in a matter of minutes. 

In our case, we asked it for an “800-character article on the arrival of the man on the Moon”. It took two minutes and returned a perfectly written text of 1,787 characters / 304 words. Slightly longer than we asked for but correct.


2. Writing songs or scripts with ChatGPT

It can also adapt the tone to your preferences. Imagine you want that article to be written as a script for YouTube. Or you want it to sound less formal, suitable for children, including local expressions...

And that’s not all. Let’s ask it for something more creative. “Write an original song about the arrival of human beings on the Moon”. Within a few minutes, it will write the song, including the choruses. Do you dare put it to music?

Verse 1:

In 1969, a mission was planned

To reach the moon, to touch the sand

The Apollo 11, a spaceship so grand

With Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin in command


We reached for the stars, we touched the moon

Our hearts were beating to a cosmic tune

A giant leap for humankind

A moment that will forever shine

Verse 2:

The world was watching, on TV screens

As the Lunar Module, landed so serene

One small step for man, one giant leap for all

A moment in history, we'll forever recall


We reached for the stars, we touched the moon

Our hearts were beating to a cosmic tune

A giant leap for humankind

A moment that will forever shine

Verse 3:

Science and innovation, paving the way

For humans to explore, the universe one day

The moon landing, a symbol of our might

A reminder of what we can achieve, when we unite


We reached for the stars, we touched the moon

Our hearts were beating to a cosmic tune

A giant leap for humankind

A moment that will forever shine


The moon landing, a moment of pride

A journey of courage, a cosmic ride

We'll keep reaching, for the stars so bright

And remember the day, we touched the moon's light.


3. Creating playlists with ChatGPT

You can also ask it to perform very useful everyday tasks. We are going to ask it to personalise a playlist based on some of our favourite bands. It quickly draws up a list of hits by similar artists to the bands we named:

Question: Create a playlist based on Led Zeppelin, Guns & Roses, AC/DC, Nirvana, and Foo Fighters with similar artists.

ChatGPT: Sure! Here is a playlist based on the artists you mentioned, with a few similar artists:

  1. "Whole Lotta Love" - Led Zeppelin
  2. "Back in Black" - AC/DC
  3. "Paradise City" - Guns N' Roses
  4. "Come As You Are" - Nirvana
  5. "Everlong" - Foo Fighters
  6. "Highway to Hell" - AC/DC
  7. "Black Hole Sun" - Soundgarden
  8. "No One Knows" - Queens of the Stone Age
  9. "Cochise" - Audioslave
  10. "Killing in the Name" - Rage Against the Machine
  11. "Plush" - Stone Temple Pilots
  12. "In Bloom" - Nirvana
  13. "The Pretender" - Foo Fighters
  14. "Sweet Child o' Mine" - Guns N' Roses
  15. "Thunderstruck" - AC/DC
  16. "Immigrant Song" - Led Zeppelin

I hope you enjoy the playlist and find new artists to add to it.

4. Advice on lifestyle, technology and more

Why not ask it for advice about your daily life? It could help you decide which smartphone to buy, for example. More and more people are also asking it to design bespoke menus or beauty routines

Obviously, when it comes to health, it is advisable to use your common sense and see a specialist. But let’s see what it says: 

Question: Create a facial routine for faces with blemishes.

ChatGPT: Here is a facial routine that can help improve the appearance of blemished skin:

Cleaning: Wash your face with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water. Make sure to remove all impurities and excess oil.

Exfoliation: Use a gentle exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture. Do this twice a week.

Toner: Apply an astringent toner to balance your skin's pH and minimise the appearance of pores.

Blemish treatment: Use a product that contains glycolic acid, kojic acid, or vitamin C to treat dark spots. Apply it to the affected areas according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Moisturising: Apply a light moisturiser to keep skin soft and moisturised.

Sun protection: Use a sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from UV damage. This is especially important if you are using products that contain exfoliating acids.

In addition to this facial routine, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. You may also consider speaking to a dermatologist for additional advice and more advanced treatment options.

Question: Write me a balanced menu for diabetics

Answer: Sure! Here is an example of a balanced menu for diabetics:


  • Egg white omelette with vegetables such as mushrooms, spinach, and peppers.
  • A serving of fresh fruit, such as an apple or a cup of strawberries.
  • A slice of whole wheat toast with a teaspoon of natural peanut butter with no added sugar.


  • Chicken salad with lettuce, tomato, avocado and cucumber.
  • One cup of raw vegetables like carrots, celery, and cucumber with hummus as a dip.
  • A serving of fresh fruit, such as an orange or a handful of grapes.
  • One slice of whole wheat bread or one serving of brown rice.


  • Lemon and herb roasted salmon served with a side of steamed vegetables like broccoli and carrots.
  • A small salad of lettuce, tomato and cucumber with a vinegar and oil dressing.
  • A serving of fresh fruit, such as a pear or a cup of melon.


  • A handful of mixed nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts.
  • One serving of low-fat cheese, such as a slice of cheddar cheese or a piece of fresh cheese.
  • A natural low-fat yoghurt with chopped fresh fruit.

Remember that it is important to ensure that any diet for diabetics is personalised and adapted to individual needs. Always check with a doctor or nutritionist before making any changes to your diet.

5. Code writing with ChatGPT

If you are a programmer or need help with a piece of code, ChatGPT is also trained to give you answers with different programming languages:

Question: Create and HTML code to close pop-ups on a website

ChatGPT: To close a pop-up on a website using HTML, you need to use JavaScript. Here is an example of HTML and JavaScript code that you can use:

  1. Add a "Close" button to the pop-up, like this:


Copy code

<div id="popup"><h2>Este es mi pop-up</h2> <p>Haz clic en el botón"Cerrar" para salir.</p> <button id="cerrar" onclick="cerrarPopUp()">Cerrar</button> </div>

  1. Add the following JavaScript code to the head section of the website:


Copy code

<script>function cerrarPopUp() { var popup = document.getElementById("popup"); = "none"; } </script>

Este código le dice al navegador que, al hacer clic en el botón "Cerrar", debe buscar el elemento con el ID "popup" y cambiar su propiedad display a"none", lo que hace que el pop-up desaparezca.

Ten en cuenta que si el pop-up es parte de un plugin o de una herramienta de terceros, es posible que necesites seguir las instrucciones específicas del proveedor para cerrarlo.


What is ChatGPT Plus?

ChatGPT Plus is the ChatGPT subscription-based pilot program. Although at the time of writing, this version is only available in the US for around $20/month.

What are the advantages of ChatGPT Plus? Although it is currently a pilot, users with premium access will be able to enjoy:

  • Priority access. When the platform is saturated, paying users will have priority.
  • Faster responses. As in the previous case, the resources of the platform will to premium clients first.
  • New functions. Users subscribed to the Plus plan will also be the first to enjoy the platform's new developments.

Will free ChatGPT disappear?

OpenAI currently has no intention of stopping ChatGPT from being accessible free of charge. 

Remember that this Artificial Intelligence feeds on the responses given by all users and offering them for a fee would obviously greatly restrict its development. Everything seems to therefore indicate that we’ll have ChatGPT for a while.


ChatGPT controversies

Like any great technological development (as also happened with the Internet, social media or cryptocurrencies), ChatGPT has a disruptive component that is not free of controversy.

The first to sound the alarm were search engines. Could ChatGPT or similar intelligence replace the way we use search engines? 

Microsoft's decision to invest an additional 10 billion dollars to the 1 billion it had already invested is worrying even to Google.

The company founded by Bill Gates appears to be willing to introduce ChatGPT features into Bing, Microsoft's native search engine. Obviously, its biggest competitor, Google, is not going to sit idly by.

The other great controversy comes from the academic and professional world. How will teachers know if their students are submitting work they have done themselves or text created in a few minutes using ChatGPT? 

As the texts are completely original, correct, and able to pass the checks of any anti-plagiarism program, it seems hard to tell whether there is human or artificial intelligence behind them.

Various artistic disciplines are also affected by ChatGPT. Unorthodox artists see the tool as a source of inspiration, but there are many who strongly oppose the threat of the creative industries being replaced by artificial intelligence. 

What do you think? Have you already tried ChatGPT? Do you think it will revolutionise our way of working, creating, or searching for information forever?

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